Blogging is becoming such a drag for me as I progress in life, the lack of internet and also the will to do it. Maybe I should stop, but yet again something in me push me to continue.
Pastor Kevin new series on “Does fairy tales exist?” started three weeks ago, and all I can say that it’s a great series. It help those who are seeking for a relationship and those who are in a relationship, not to mention the way ps. Kevin been preaching is just damn hilarious and true.
“Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her.”
Woman and Men are a total opposite!
1. Men and woman are different.
2. Husband love your wives.
3. Wives submit to your husbands. (Amen to this)
4. Don’t nag him like a kid and expect him to live like a man.
5. Men, learn to listen! (really good advise)
6.Woman need to talk. (don’t presume that your partner knows what you are thinking)
7. Men need to retreat. (Girls just don’t understand this part!)
8. Woman forgive in parts. (OMG)
9. Men forgive in whole. (YES! We do!)
10. The kairos moment to build is… when you are about to pay! (for guys only)
11. Marriage is a convenant not a contract.
12. Marriage involves emotion but it is not just emotional.
13. Marriage involve fight but it’s not war!
14. Marriage involve compromise but it’s not blind.
15. Marriage involve logic but its not purely intellectual.
16. Marriage involve chemistry but also character!
17. True love in not just about falling in love but also staying in love.
18. Men value authority, work and achievement.
19. Woman value love, feelings, and relationship.
20. To offer man unsolicited advice is to presume that he doesn’t know what to do.
21. Men offer solutions whereas woman want to improve! (sigh)
22. Woman can get upset with themselves. (so true)
Communication is an art.
“its not about what you say but how you say it”
Few facts for those who are looking for a relationship and those in a relationship, understanding the above can really help.
My life so far been going quite steady, currently very broke and over spending because I am moving into a new place and also a lot of my friends seems to have chosen this month to come down to KL which made me even more broke. I am trying to find a job now, thinking of going part time but I am seriously worried that I do not have enough time.
I’ll be moving in to my new room this coming Monday, hopefully I can convince my new housemate to share his streamyx connection.