Thursday, May 31, 2007

Of Friends and Girls

Friends are among the very foundation of a teenage life, most of your teen life is spent with your friends and you tell them almost everything that happens to you. A friend starts with a Hi and a handshake, every new friend you make improve your life by a few percentages. But what if the friends you met made your life worst? Do you tolerate them? Voice up? Or leave them? Most of the time I just tolerate them and only once have I voice up to one which was Hilary. Leaving them? That’s also quite common in the past but not any more cause in the world every person you know is equal to a drop of gold.

I am not going to complain about my new friends today because they are new, the longer you know them the longer your bonds strengthen. But sometimes you just feel that certain things should be voiced up for their own good and hopefully they change but today it’s a little different because for the first time I am actually hanging out 24/7 with girls. Is it them or do girls really like to gossip a lot? Because among all the best friends that are girls, this group seems to stand out more, not because they annoy me but I am actually worried about them. Gossiping too much is always harmful to your social life no matter what type of gossip it is about, good or bad. normally when they gossip I just keep quiet and act blur “well basically I don’t act blur cause they talk so damn fast that I can’t even keep up” and today it bothers me even more because a tension between our group and the international group actually happen. I am quite ok with the international group because I am quite close to two people from there and they are friendly to me, so in order for a friendly conversation among class mates I shall try to settle this quietly. I know among one of them will be reading this blog and others, so give your opinion should I actually voice up to them or tolerate them?

And I went RedBox yesterday with Kellie and Kah ro, was force to sing Chinese songs! Hahaha photos you guys ask? Wait and you shall receive; I am feeling the comeback of my camera! Its already charged and waiting on my table.


Anonymous said...

aha~ r u talking about the incident this morning? well, i dont really know whether u should voice up to them or i'm not really clear what's going on among your gang (like they like gossiping etc)...know what i mean? but if u really want a clear answer, i think u should tell them...but in near future lah..coz now u r not really THAT close to them yet (like 2 or 3 yrs frens)..if u say smthg rite now maybe they will get offended..just a MAYBE lah..
oh btw, my name's kah "ROU" not kah ro..=__= lol

Anonymous said...

hahahaha..My goodness...who asked u to hang out with girls 24/7. They're so gonna make to become one of them! I think you should voice out. I dunno HOW but yeah, that's my opinion :)
U take care there's good to spend time with girls once in a while..not every day k! haha!

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About Me

Born in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah unlike the whole Soo family. YES! Unlike my sister and parents who are born in West Malaysia. My dad’s from Melaka, mom from Ipoh and I have no idea where’s my sis born… I am the only person in my whole family that is born in East Malaysia. I am your typical quite kid who can be emo or stupidly crazy at times. besides that I am a very forgetful person. I love design anything that attracts the eye’s of this generation, past and future is loved by me. currently in The One Academy doing my Foundation year.I don’t have a very complicated life as most may think all I do is sleep, eat, and numerous boring activities which I find quite entertaining to my self. Love to start projects, reading real life story, gaming, slow mind boggling stuff like chess and strategic games not to mention I really despise chili! (Keep that in mind)