New Stickers
The terrible heat wave continue for another two more days and I think my air-con is over heating from running like 24/7. Yesterday didn’t manage to blog cause some one made me terribly blurred and had to help my dad complete his project portfolio. We cleaned up Glory hall on Sunday for the new carpets which is going to be installed in; hopefully I can see it on Wednesday when they are installing it. During the clean up we manage to flour Melvin with flour, he totally look like a ghost and he counter attack with a jug full of water.
I think I am going to catch a flu again… damn weather cant it just stay raining everyday. Today went to karamunsing with Vern and walk round and round and round and round and ended up buying nothing. I actually wanted to get my laptop fix and buy a new mouse. My laptop’s DVD drive have been making weird noises when it runs a disk which spoils the whole speaker so now have to send it to Kuala Lumpur to get the drive replace with a new one.
Came home and the power was out so we went out to eat dinner, it was good if it wasn’t for the lousy food. Please do not go to restaurant K.L Lee, their vegetable is over cook and rice is so damn expensive not to mention the satay is cold and the “lobak” is over fried.
Beside that I manage to replace my old hand carve sticker on my laptop with a new printed sticker.

This is 6cm x 6cm located near my keyboard and touch pad
lolx..thanks! i love polka dots..btw...where did u make the stickers? nice eh..
i made it my self, printed out on sticker paper and added a layer of matte sticker paper to make it water proof
i like spades. i wanna play cho dai di!
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