Stiff neck, dry throat, headache and block nose all symptoms of me getting a fever. Stupid weather it’s been a blazing heat since last Friday and its not getting any better, how I wish I am in Kundasang now. Today I finally receive my offer letter! After two weeks of waiting, I am required to go take a placement test two weeks before my school term starts so instead of me going on May 13 I maybe going at the end of April. Every one is leaving all my close friends and I just found out that one of my close class mates left for KL with out telling me, but it’s partially my fault for not keeping in contact with him also. Besides that I got my first birthday treat, one week earlier which was given to me by Kelly a very old primary class mate in Miyabi Japanese restaurant. Quite nice and filling considering that all she ate was my serving of brinjal and a few piece of lamb, the rest was dump on to me such as the miso soup, salad, salmon, crocket, sushi and all sort.
At night went out to yam cha with Golden and Lai some where around Luyang area beside that we also went to disturb Mahlau at her house and we got chase away by the dad, that was just funny! Mel would be moving away soon so we went there hoping to help him pack his stuff but ended up kind of disturbing him cause his house was in a total mess and that he was shy. Mel “shy”? Yes he can be shy. And we did quite a number of stupid things also like disturbing Lintas supermarket by stuffing our shopping trolley with their entire item and just leaving it all at some corner.
*Vanilla ice blended and Chocolate ice blended =)

LOL...know what? We made fun of coffee bean drinks ler ! hahahahah...btw ...I got your sms invitation le =D && Gratz to you...which school are you going?
Follow your passions n God-given calling n u will not end up bitter and hating life...
its wo tiek mate wo tiek!
not bloody wo tet!
God bless!
see you in KL dude..
and xanga is not working. >=(
CB Belgian Chocolate!!!
and congrats u get to go to kl.
hahahaha..u all ah, nothing to do until u all turned the whole kk upside down!
yerr..everyone's sad... :(
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