Scouting Report
Scouting around town was fun and when I said town I mean Sunway town and the neighboring places. I was there for four days and three nights, one night was spend at my friends place Tristan and the other two was at an my uncles apartment which was rented out to one of his family member, me and my dad Hilary stayed with me for a night also. The very first day I went around Sunway territory in search for a room to rent I manage to find four rooms each pricing from RM350 to RM450 for a single room exclusive of bills, bummer living there is going to kill me and let’s not talk about the bills and food! Food alone has eaten up RM50 out of my wallet in four days and I mostly skipped breakfast and dinner two meals a day and it cost RM50, money is so going to be a problem there.
After I finished room scouting my dad brought me to meet one of his business partner in Damansara Sunway, Uncle Rocky one of the major share holder for Extreme Park Subang, Port Dickson and maybe in the future Kota Kinabalu. Being in his house is like being in a 5star resort and it was built in just 12 months, it’s been so long since I had followed my dad around on his business trips and as I grow older I am starting to appreciate each trip as each of them I get to learn something and meet new people. Later that night they dropped me at Lagoon Perdana nearby Sunway where Tristan is staying, even thought the apartment there is run down but her dad manage to renovated her apartment so it looks reasonably nice compared to the other units in that area, rent there is cheap around RM600 to Rm650 for the whole apartment. After settling in we went out pubbing at The Curve, Laundry. One thing is for sure the drinks there is expensive compared to here, around RM16-18 for a normal cocktail which you can get for RM12-15 here in KK. I had Colorado Bulldog which proves to be a wrong order because they mixed in Irish Bailey which made it taste like Horlicks. I was glad I got to spend some time with my best friend over there even though Joel and I didn’t get to play a decent DoTA Game. By the way, Subang SS15 is the Damai of KL! That place rocks! Damn the cyber there is like uber cool, foosball, Yim Cha OMFG!
Second day met up with Hilary as me, Tris, Jo went to shop at Sunway Pyramid. I don’t dare to shop much as I am low on cash and I am afraid that I’ll get bored when I go there for good on May so I’ll save it for later. We head back down to Asia CafĂ© at SS15 which is the best place to hang, their hawker centre is always pack with student and wide variety of choice, I suggest eating the roast chicken there RM8.50 and quite nice. Besides that they have over 20 pool tables, 40 foosball table, 20 billiard table, 280+ Computers and don’t forget the most highly rig computer in the whole of Malaysia even appeared in this month Game Axis as the most high performance cyber, they even include the most expensive Altec Lansing Woofers and Razer mouse, it makes your normal mouse feel like crap.
Monday was the day I had everything done and paid, did my placement test which finished in 45 minutes except one question which me and Hilary took 15 minutes to think and still no answers was found. (Question below) After that dad took me to get my room booked and rent, I took the one which was a five minute walk away from collage and cost RM380 excluding bills which should sum up to around RM420 partially furnished with ceiling fan and a joining bathroom, what’s even weird is that the person who I’ll be sharing a bathroom with is a girl so you guys say is that a good thing or bad… After the everything was paid I went down to IKEA to view some of the furniture which I would need to buy on my next trip down, I found one nice drawing table RM495 it was damn nice with adjustable height and white in color with a tracing section and measurement table too. RM59 for a white plastic chair with roller, rubber pad for dicing and slicing, pen holders, mirror, and dustbin and so on.
Fourth day, since most of my stuff was done I followed dad around town to do his business. He brought me over to one of KL leading artist which is a long time friend of his who owns his own studio at home with a staff of 7 I am glad I met him as he thought me a few pointers in surviving the industry, next met up with uncle Rocky who intro to me a printer which does most of KL’s large scale printing, large as in building size large.
My trip ended on the fourth day as my dad and I took the bus down to LCCT for the 9.30p.m flight back to KK. Picture will be up soon.The puzzle: Here are nine dots arranged in a square matrix. Can you draw three straight lines, without lifting your pencil from the "paper," through all nine dots?
You should probably have figured out the answer on the right. This is a well-known example of lateral thinking, thinking outside the borders in this case.
Using even more radically lateral thinking, here is a solution with only three lines. Since I said "nine dots," this would seem to be a valid solution (better than the four lines that I asked for). But, had I called them "nine points" instead of "dots," this solution would not be valid (since points have a zero size). In that case, you could possibly argue that three parallel lines would work, meeting at infinity. But you would have trouble drawing them. And there are logical problems (self-contradictions) with saying that parallel lines meet at infinity.
An even better solution is to use a very wide pencil, and draw a very wide line through all nine dots in one stroke. After all, I did say "dots" and "pencil."
1 comment:
i'm paying $155 a week now. its $620 a month! not inclusive of food! but water/elec all covered la. but we're looking for apartments in the city for the future. its gonna costttttt
and what F F F there? NO F!
ehh.. i want macbookpro
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