Heroes the Lego Series
Today was a quiet day, followed mum to work today and had breakfast at Pete’s Corner sorry no pictures for today because i forgot to charge my camera after the Kuala Lumpur trip. After that i went for my facial appointment at Asia City Mall, yes i do facial due to the condition on my face and also the factor where my sis and mum love me so much that they forced me to go. The Facial lasted for four hours, thirty minutes on washing your face and massage, one and a half on getting the blackheads out, one hour on some fancy blue light thingy, and one hour of masking and sleeping. So all in all i receive hell during the one and a half hour of getting my skin squeeze and poke at and one hour of heaven as a slept.
After that my mum and I went to Public Bank to get my account open because beside The One Academy is a Public Bank, so you know “duh!” had to sign so many papers and finally i manage to get my ATM card, the bad news is that i don’t get to hold my ATM card first due to a problem that occurred with my old one.
I was going through some of my old toys this evening and look what i found. So i present to you “Heroes, the Lego Series”*Heroes the brand new Lego Series. i tried my best but my source is limited since more than 70% of my Lego is in the store room.

*Mr. Bennet, the evil bos with a paper fetish. i didnt have brown hair so this will do since it has horns to add the evil look.

*Claire, obiviously Lego is lacking on the opposite gender side.

*Isaac the painter, i didnt have the appropriate hair so this was the most suitable for him.

*my fav character Hiro, see i made him to be a ninja with his stolen sword

*the fat mind reading policeman, Lego should consider making fat people

haha.. i miss this lego fellows.. not really drawing everyday la.. playing this on9 game.. mo siang on9.. like silkroad only no lagging.. everyone pokai.. wonder why
bcz no school = no money lor
and thou shalt treat me to another meal. XD
sorry lor i didn't get 2 go ur blog.. in the middle of PP1 now so can't really stay online for so long :\
u oso din put my link in your 'bloggers' section there!! XD
Lol...My line was down for a few days...thank god now stable for dunno how long so I get to update my blog and read other ppl's blog too...LOL.. Hey U earning money thru your add's already! not fair! we started the same day but mine still dont have ! =((! Hahaha
lowa said...
soo the lego hero!
Hiro looks cool..
you shud make a comic strip made outta legos..
position them..add props and add dialogue.. two thumbs up
Hey dude,you still play with lego? so do i,bt i diferent type,bionicle!
any way, see you soon!
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