April fools people
Saturday 30th March 2007
My weekend was great as ever, having a great Beach Blast on the Saturday morning as a Game master and for the first time I am no more a group leader! Being one was fun and all but training another was even more fun. I woke up at five it was the very rare occasion where I actually wake up before seven; we shared our compound with a few kayakers as they were having a camp there. This year’s beach blast wasn’t as noisy, rowdy or packed as last year but it was sure fun and good. I really enjoyed my time in children ministry and playing around with the kids.
We started out day slow, the crowd was smaller and as always red and blue group got the best kids, the sun was out and the games started. First on the list was aerobics fun but we wasn’t prepared for it since it was a last minute idea, next was the marble treasure hunt, didn’t get to join in the fun this year. third was pass the sand very funny when you see the kids play it especially when you put the larger kids at the front of the line and the smaller kids at the back, so no matter how much sand the big kids take it will end up to a sum of a tea spoon at the end. My game was next which is the hoola hoop dance, the game didn’t go as plan because Joseph brought the wrong hoops to the beach instead we improvised and use our legs to do the looping. The item which I like most was the tug of war, raw strength with the girls versus the boys and kids versus the youth we’ll always let the kids win the first round. The last and best game of all was the sand castle building, this year we made a theme not sand castle but animal building, there were Mickey mouse, a whale, birthday cake, and butterfly. We packed up early around eleven and for the first time we finish on time.
Night war was a blast, this year we tested a new style and I was so please we had it on that day since the weather was freaking hot. Two team, two commanders, eight hundred plastic bags and the only thing that was stopping them from hitting each other rite in each other faces was a thin red safety line. Each team has 5 shields / blockade to protect them from the incoming barrage, one commander to protect and 400 hundred plastic bags fill with water to launch at the opposing team. I was actually a referee but was eventually pulled out to be a Group leader, in my team was the youth two monkeys Jeffrey, Andy and one Mahlau which was the second in command. My two monkeys were given the job of taking down the commander but all they did was get hit in the face. I my self scored a successful head shot and got hit in the face myself and also the better not to be spoken part of a guys body. Imagine how painful it is when u get hit on your body? Now imagine how much more painful it is on your face! Even my spectacles went out of place. The war was ended with us ambushing Melvin with ice water as he is about to leave KK on 13th of April to Singapore.
Yam cha at 2020 as we talked about all the memories we had in youth and camp, that I’ll miss about KK.
Sunday 1st April 2007
April Fools, let me just remind you on how lame using the your zip is open, shoe lace untie, pants with hole trick. If you really want to make a persons April fools day a success at least plan out a better joke than those lame one liners.
I was sent to take charge of Primary five cell which wasn’t as bad as my previous Primary one, their sarcasm was a lot better than the screaming from the primary one kids.
We started out day slow, the crowd was smaller and as always red and blue group got the best kids, the sun was out and the games started. First on the list was aerobics fun but we wasn’t prepared for it since it was a last minute idea, next was the marble treasure hunt, didn’t get to join in the fun this year. third was pass the sand very funny when you see the kids play it especially when you put the larger kids at the front of the line and the smaller kids at the back, so no matter how much sand the big kids take it will end up to a sum of a tea spoon at the end. My game was next which is the hoola hoop dance, the game didn’t go as plan because Joseph brought the wrong hoops to the beach instead we improvised and use our legs to do the looping. The item which I like most was the tug of war, raw strength with the girls versus the boys and kids versus the youth we’ll always let the kids win the first round. The last and best game of all was the sand castle building, this year we made a theme not sand castle but animal building, there were Mickey mouse, a whale, birthday cake, and butterfly. We packed up early around eleven and for the first time we finish on time.
Night war was a blast, this year we tested a new style and I was so please we had it on that day since the weather was freaking hot. Two team, two commanders, eight hundred plastic bags and the only thing that was stopping them from hitting each other rite in each other faces was a thin red safety line. Each team has 5 shields / blockade to protect them from the incoming barrage, one commander to protect and 400 hundred plastic bags fill with water to launch at the opposing team. I was actually a referee but was eventually pulled out to be a Group leader, in my team was the youth two monkeys Jeffrey, Andy and one Mahlau which was the second in command. My two monkeys were given the job of taking down the commander but all they did was get hit in the face. I my self scored a successful head shot and got hit in the face myself and also the better not to be spoken part of a guys body. Imagine how painful it is when u get hit on your body? Now imagine how much more painful it is on your face! Even my spectacles went out of place. The war was ended with us ambushing Melvin with ice water as he is about to leave KK on 13th of April to Singapore.
Yam cha at 2020 as we talked about all the memories we had in youth and camp, that I’ll miss about KK.
Sunday 1st April 2007
April Fools, let me just remind you on how lame using the your zip is open, shoe lace untie, pants with hole trick. If you really want to make a persons April fools day a success at least plan out a better joke than those lame one liners.
I was sent to take charge of Primary five cell which wasn’t as bad as my previous Primary one, their sarcasm was a lot better than the screaming from the primary one kids.

*this pic just made my day, i like the way lucille smiled as if she was a kid again.

the Golden pic made my day... haha
haha....never came to look around...sorry!looks like u all had fun!hehe..i don see you having fun la...u should show some of yourself bahh..hehe..bye!
thanks alot kelvin! :]
Lol..Edbert look so different! hahahahah!
OH i remember what i wanted to say...
check this out for a serious april's fool joke .... and YOU think you had it bad?!?
Man ur evil, haha lucky i'm not in ur pictures =P
hahhaha! it was SO GREAT! :)
Loving the pics! But it'll be better if u can make it bigger, coz can't really see the words oh!
cfsam said...
hahhaha! it was SO GREAT! :)
Loving the pics! But it'll be better if u can make it bigger, coz can't really see the words oh!
eerrrmmm i wud like to make it big but then it wud totally spoil the blog view. nvm nxt time iwrite dwn the words =)
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